Yel On-Boarding
Where to start
Dear User,
To provide effective guidance tailored to different user types, we’ve structured this document into sections with clear navigation options.
Here’s how you can get started based on your experience level:
Curious Beginner
If you are new to volatility farming, we recommend reading through the entire documentation to understand the key concepts and our products.
Start Here: Arbitrage & LP Roots
Eager Beginner
If you don’t want to spend time reading and prefer to get started immediately, visit our Interactive Onboarding page:
You will go through a short, interactive process that explains the basics;
Use Simple Mode to avoid complexities and start collect yield quickly;
If you face complexities read this: Step-by-Step Instructions
Seasoned Yield-Hunter
If you’re already familiar with yield-generating strategies, arbitrage and volatility farming concepts, and eager to collect yield, you can start with using Yel.Finance in Pro Mode to access advanced tools, optimize routes, and leverage custom strategies.
Experienced DeFi Geek
If you’re a power user aiming to maximize the platform’s capabilities, we recommend diving into our full documentation to explore every aspect of Yel Finance:
Explore Concepts Behind Yel Finance: Key Concepts
Potions & Features: Potions
Execute Arbitrage Opportunities: Arbitrage Feed
Farm Points: Point Farming
Last updated
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